Monday, September 29, 2008

SCM Concepts

SCM Concepts

Coffee Beans

Shortly after your alarm clock goes off and the coffee maker kicks on, the fleeting, floral aroma of that smooth Sidamo coffee fills the air. Getting those coffee beans from a small garden in Ethiopia to your kitchen is no small feat. It took a great deal of planning, demand forecasting, procurement, and logistical expertise to move those savory beans from Africa to your local java shop while still fresh. Without a strong supply chain in place, your caffeine-fix options would be severely limited.

SCM involves a series of key activities and processes that must be completed in an efficient (fuel conserving, cost reducing, etc.) and timely manner. Otherwise, product will not be available when needed by consumers like you. Click on each graphic to gain more insight into key supply chain goals, flows, processes, and principles.

SCM Goals: The 7 Rights]

Supply Chain Flows

The 7 Principles of SCM

Supply Chain Processes

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